Adafruit IO Update: Quick Help
Need help getting started with Adafruit IO? Not sure what feeds are? Need a place to ask questions, but there are too many links on the internet? The Adafruit IO Team has added a new help menu directly into Adafruit IO with mini-guides designed to help you through any questions you could have about Adafruit IO, such as… How do I get started with Python? Follow the new Getting Started with Adafruit IO Python mini-guide…
or “What is metadata, and how does it relate to my Adafruit IO Project?”
Still have more questions? Having an issue with your code? We’ve also added links to our Discord Chatroom and the Adafruit IO Forum to the Quick Help menu - no googling necessary!
To check it out, log into Adafruit IO (if you don’t have an account, create one - it’s free!) and click the Get Help button on the sidebar.
Want to see anything else added to the Quick Help box? Let us know in the comments below!