Adafruit IoT Monthly: Cosmo Clock, Low Powered Widlife Camera, and more!
IoT Projects
Weather Station Planter
A different type of weather station this month - a planter which simulates the real-time weather of a location by changing the colors of the planter. - HackADay
Completely Automated M&M Launcher - Voice Activated Using Alexa
To keep busy during quarantine, Harrison McIntyre built a fully automated M&M candy launcher which is activated using Amazon Alexa. This launcher can perform facial detection using computer vision and launches M&M’s into your mouth. - YouTube
Cosmo Clock
This clock changes color every time a new astronaut enters space. - Instructables
officeAir: A Google Sheets Logger with Raspberry Pi
This project lets you easily log temperature and humidity data via Raspberry Pi and a sensor. It logs data to Google Sheets, collecting the raw data and automatically drawing a nice chart as data coming in. - GitHub
Low-Power Wildlife Trail Camera
DIY motion-activated camera module takes photos of wildlife and stores them on a microSD card. -MarksBench
METAR Temperature Data Display Using ESP8266
An ESP8266 (NodeMCU) requests online METAR data from 9 stations in a cyclical (rotating) manner, and displays their decoded temperatures on 7-segment displays. - YouTube
Laundry Monitor
This project senses the current of your washer and sends a SMS when the wash cycle finishes. This project is different than the usual laundry monitoring project since it’s reliable and does not require disassembling appliances. - HackADay
Smart Pill Dispenser
The Smart Pill Dispenser is a machine that will give your grandparents the pills they need, when the need it and in case they’ll forget - you will get a notification about that! - Instructables
BLE Notification Vibration Bracelet
A wearable bracelet which buzzes when you’ve received notifications from an iOS device using an Adafruit Feather Sense and DRV2605L breakout. - Adafruit Learning System
IoT News and More!
Video inside a Self-Driving Tractor Cab
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in the cab of a tractor on a farm? Imagine it’s a steering wheel and a radio? Modern agriculture is a bit more complex and awesome these days. - YouTube
Want a radio service operator license? FCC starts offering radio licensing exams remotely
During the pandemic, the FCC announced that ham radio licensing exams can be administered remotely. -swling
The Services Shakedown: Wink Hardware transitions to a monthly subscription
Wink Labs announced their home automation hub, the Wink Hub, is transitioning to a monthly subscription of $4.99 per month. If someone fails to pay this fee, device unfortunately loses most of its functionality. HackADay writer Elliot Williams discusses the ‘IoT Trap’ and wonders how people can avoid it. - HackaDay
New Hardware: Teensy 4.1
PJRC released the Teensy 4.1 which includes a blazing-fast IMXRT1062-based microcontroller with 10/100Mbit ethernet. - PJRC
How the COVID-19 pandemic is spurring IoT growth while the world’s business slows
Kevin C. Tofel writes about the state of the expanding IoT market ‘as people look for health monitoring systems…and other remotely accessible products’. - StaceyOnIoT
New Hardware: LilyGo T-Watch, ESP32 Watch
LilyGo released their T-Watch, a sub-$30 smart-watch based on the ESP32. LilyGo is supporting Arduino, MicroPython and Scratch programming languages. - Tindie
Espressif Releases Apple HomeKit ADK
Makers can now use the HomeKit ADK for ESP32 to prototype non-commercial smart-home devices. -Espressif
Adafruit IO Stats and more!
Adafruit IO has 328,224 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 13,237
- TOTAL FEEDS: 505,852
- FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 13,793
- There are about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7.
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Support Adafruit
Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn’t find a good way to interact with them over the Internet. So, we decided to create our own IoT platform, and that’s Adafruit IO. It’s built from the ground up to be easy to use and platform agnostic (connect any development board or device!). For those who want to get a project off the ground without programming - Adafruit IO offers a No-Code interface for building IoT electronics projects using WipperSnapper, our open-source IoT firmware. Support Adafruit’s open-source development by subscribing to Adafruit IO Plus, the upgraded, all-systems-go version of the Adafruit IO service.