Welcome the ItsyBitsy ESP32 to WipperSnapper
🕷️ New Board added to WipperSnapper…
What’s the second smallest board available for use with WipperSnapper, sporting all the features and pins you could ask for yet still oh so tiny? Why it’s the ItsyBitsy ESP32 of course!
Newly added this week, with accompanying docs pages in the board Learn Guide showing off the WipperSnapper Essentials to get you started in a breeze… What’s more there’s also the usual Magic Config option (Auto Config -> Magic Config), so you can instantly add the built-in button, LED and NeoPixel components to your online WipperSnapper device.
ItsyBitsy ESP32 Learn Guide showing the WipperSnapper Essentials links in sidebar menu
ItsyBitsy ESP32
Incase you haven’t heard, this new and mighty yet compact board comes with an ESP32 Pico packing 8MB flash and 2MB PSRAM, along with all the pins you could ask for (assuming you want 28 or know how to share).
It has an onboard LED + NeoPixel, reset + user buttons, PCB or external aerial options, battery input pads underneath with diode protection for external battery packs up to 6V input, and a 5V level-shifted output on D5 which is perfect for driving NeoPixels or other devices that want a 5V logic signal.
ItsyBitsy ESP32 board shown topside up
As always, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report, please let us know in the forums.