Here are the stats for the past week:

* 37.3 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
* 13,840 users
* 10,138 online feeds (33,776 feeds total)
* ~60 inserts per second via MQTT
* ~10 inserts per second via REST API

To help with the increased load, we have added an additional sidekiq server to help process jobs, and it has helped with ensuring that messages from users are processed as soon as they arrive. The image below shows how adding the new server has helped smooth out job processing over the last day.

MQTT Graph

This week Adafruit IO passed the 10,000 online feeds milestone!

10k Online Feeds

We have some exciting new things coming soon, and we are always looking for feedback about Adafruit IO. Please post any questions, feature requests, or show off your project in the Adafruit IO forum.