Iostats has 308,729 total users, however! Here are the most recent stats from the last 30 days which is a pretty good picture!

  • USERS ACTIVE (last 30 days): 16,656
  • USERS ADDED (last 7 days): 1,989
  • FEEDS: 458,270
  • FEEDS CREATED (last 7 days): 5,535

In the last 30 days inserted over 789 million records. There are about 18 million background jobs per day and about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7. IFTTT, Adafruit’s week in review: February 10 – February 16

  • Service connections: +594, all-time 65,733
  • Applet runs: +1,340,267, all-time 201,663,200
  • Applets turned on: +1,627, all-time 151,161