• Adafruit IoT Monthly: Repurposed Smart Home Displays, Open-Source 5G Networks, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Microcontroller-based Star Trek TNG operational display


    Darian Johnson built a Star Trek: The Next Generation inspired terminal that displays the weather, indoor temperature, volatile organic compound strength, fitness information, and more. This is one of the nicest-looking personal smart-terminals we’ve seen and even features a resistor color-code chart and a current measurement tool. - HackADay

    Fermenters Friend – Home Brewing Temperature Monitor


    After making a brew, one needs to “let it ferment, trying to control the temperature range from an ideal of around 18-22 C”. They used a Cheeseboard ESP8266 development board to monitor the brew’s temperature as it ferments and display it on a LCD and online. - Adafruit

    Vintage Terminal Home Automation Home


    Repurposing a ADM-3A terminal as a home automation hub and display. - HackADay

    DIY Alexa-Controlled Air Conditioner


    Summer is heating up in the United States and this DIY solution allows you to simulate the IR commands of an air conditioner remote control using an ESP8266. The ESP8266 is connected to HTTP/AWS so it can receive and translate Alexa commands to control your air conditioner. - EspressIf

    Kindle Home Assistant Interface


    Repurpose your kindle as an e-ink display for your Home Assistant setup. -GitHub

    Minecraft Friend Notification Sign


    This internet-connected sign lights up whenever your friends are online in your favorite Minecraft server. - Youtube

    ESP32 Micropython Sensor and Web Server


    ESP32-powered MicroPython sensor node also serves temperature data on its own web server. How2Electronics

    IoT News and More!

    free5GC - an Open-Source 5G Mobile Core Network


    The free5GC project is building an open-source 5G mobile core (5GC) network. - Free5GC

    ClusterDuck Protocol - LoRa, WiFi, and Bluetooth Mesh Network


    The ClusterDuck Protocol is an open source firmware for mesh network internet-of-things devices based on LoRa radio and can include WiFi and Bluetooth compatibility. This is an interesting potential alternative for Particle’s IoT BLE Mesh users. - ClusterDuck

    GNUHealth in a Box: Deploying hospital health systems with a Raspberry Pi


    GNU Health, a “health and hospital information system” now has an image which can be installed on Raspberry Pi’s in remote areas without internet, nursing homes or laboratories. - GNUHealth

    Adafruit IO Stats and more!

    AIO Stats

    Adafruit IO has 332,834 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:

    • Total Feeds: 516,432 (and counting!).
    • There are over 17,600 feeds online as of time of writing (June 25, 2020).
    • There are an average of 4,605 MQTT connections active 24/7.

    Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Cosmo Clock, Low Powered Widlife Camera, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Weather Station Planter

    Weather Station Planter

    A different type of weather station this month - a planter which simulates the real-time weather of a location by changing the colors of the planter. - HackADay

    Completely Automated M&M Launcher - Voice Activated Using Alexa

    M&M Launcher

    To keep busy during quarantine, Harrison McIntyre built a fully automated M&M candy launcher which is activated using Amazon Alexa. This launcher can perform facial detection using computer vision and launches M&M’s into your mouth. - YouTube

    Cosmo Clock

    cosmo clock

    This clock changes color every time a new astronaut enters space. - Instructables

    officeAir: A Google Sheets Logger with Raspberry Pi

    officeAir Logger

    This project lets you easily log temperature and humidity data via Raspberry Pi and a sensor. It logs data to Google Sheets, collecting the raw data and automatically drawing a nice chart as data coming in. - GitHub

    Low-Power Wildlife Trail Camera

    Wildlife Trail Camera

    DIY motion-activated camera module takes photos of wildlife and stores them on a microSD card. -MarksBench

    METAR Temperature Data Display Using ESP8266

    Metar Display

    An ESP8266 (NodeMCU) requests online METAR data from 9 stations in a cyclical (rotating) manner, and displays their decoded temperatures on 7-segment displays. - YouTube

    Laundry Monitor

    Laundry Monitor

    This project senses the current of your washer and sends a SMS when the wash cycle finishes. This project is different than the usual laundry monitoring project since it’s reliable and does not require disassembling appliances. - HackADay

    Smart Pill Dispenser

    Smart Pill Dispenser

    The Smart Pill Dispenser is a machine that will give your grandparents the pills they need, when the need it and in case they’ll forget - you will get a notification about that! - Instructables

    BLE Notification Vibration Bracelet

    BLE bracelet

    A wearable bracelet which buzzes when you’ve received notifications from an iOS device using an Adafruit Feather Sense and DRV2605L breakout. - Adafruit Learning System

    IoT News and More!

    Video inside a Self-Driving Tractor Cab

    modern tractor cab

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in the cab of a tractor on a farm? Imagine it’s a steering wheel and a radio? Modern agriculture is a bit more complex and awesome these days. - YouTube

    Want a radio service operator license? FCC starts offering radio licensing exams remotely


    During the pandemic, the FCC announced that ham radio licensing exams can be administered remotely. -swling

    The Services Shakedown: Wink Hardware transitions to a monthly subscription

    service shakedown

    Wink Labs announced their home automation hub, the Wink Hub, is transitioning to a monthly subscription of $4.99 per month. If someone fails to pay this fee, device unfortunately loses most of its functionality. HackADay writer Elliot Williams discusses the ‘IoT Trap’ and wonders how people can avoid it. - HackaDay

    New Hardware: Teensy 4.1


    PJRC released the Teensy 4.1 which includes a blazing-fast IMXRT1062-based microcontroller with 10/100Mbit ethernet. - PJRC

    How the COVID-19 pandemic is spurring IoT growth while the world’s business slows


    Kevin C. Tofel writes about the state of the expanding IoT market ‘as people look for health monitoring systems…and other remotely accessible products’. - StaceyOnIoT

    New Hardware: LilyGo T-Watch, ESP32 Watch

    smart watch esp32

    LilyGo released their T-Watch, a sub-$30 smart-watch based on the ESP32. LilyGo is supporting Arduino, MicroPython and Scratch programming languages. - Tindie

    Espressif Releases Apple HomeKit ADK

    homekit esp32

    Makers can now use the HomeKit ADK for ESP32 to prototype non-commercial smart-home devices. -Espressif

    Adafruit IO Stats and more!

    AIO Stats

    Adafruit IO has 328,224 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:

    • USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 13,237
    • TOTAL FEEDS: 505,852
    • FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 13,793
    • There are about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7.

    Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Quarantine Clock, Smarter Than your Speaker, and More!

    IoT Projects

    PyPortal Quarantine Clock


    Do you know what day it is? Perhaps you’re finding yourself losing track of time and your routine is suffering. The PyPortal Quarantine Clock has got you covered! It only displays the essential “stay-at-home” information - the current day and a rough estimate of the time. - Adafruit

    Smart Video Intercom System


    This Raspberry Pi-powered hardware notifies you when guests arrive and lets you talk to them on your phone through internet calls. - Hackster

    NerfOrNothing: Instrumenting a NERF Football

    NERFFootball Timothy Kanarsky and his team “cut a Nerf football in half, stuck a WiFi-enabled microcontroller and some accelerometers inside, and wrote some inertial-navigation code to track throw distance and spin rate”. - HackaDay.io

    Simple Home Alarm System


    Need an alarm system for your home? Build one using only two components: an ESP32 and a 433MHz RF receiver. If you want to adapt this project to a different sensor - there’s (lots of different sensor types)[https://www.ebay.de/itm/193291348372] and devices operating on the 433MHz frequency available on the internet. - GitHub

    Add Coverage to your IoT Project with a Satellite Modem


    Who’s got the best coverage map? Anyone using the Iridium satellite constellation, that’s who. How does whole Earth coverage sound? This guide shows you how to setup and use the Rock Seven RockBLOCK 9603 Iridium Satellite Modem. This hardware is tied to service that is also provided by Rock Seven. - Adafruit

    Reverse Engineering a Ceiling Fan Remote


    Reverse engineering a ceiling fan remote for home automation. - HackaDay

    Wearable Continuous Temperature Monitor


    Hands-free temperature monitoring means you can sleep soundly. Data is sent to an Adafruit IO account for long-term storage and visualization. Use Adafruit IO Triggers to be notified by email when the temperature increases past a set threshold. -Adafruit

    Connected Weather Cloud Lamp


    This is a fun project that plays with how to visualize information using only light and sound. What better way to have some fun with this than to make an Internet connected cloud that connects to an open source weather API? - Adafruit

    Apollo Pi Thermal Camera

    thermal camera

    OldTechNewSpec repurposed a vintage Apollo microwave detector from 1979 as a thermal camera. It’s powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero with an AMG8233 thermal camera breakout, displaying the temperature on a 1.3″ TFT display. - Instructables

    IoT News and More!

    Behind the scenes of fighting coronavirus using GPUs


    Gamers are using their high-performance GPUs to participate in Folding@Home, helping to understand proteins interactions of SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. - HackaDay

    Stay Smarter than Your Smart Speaker


    Working at home on confidential projects? Your speaker may be spying on you. Kristina Panos outlines “the best practices of confidential work in earshot of these audio-triggered gadgets?”. - HackaDay

    83 Billion IoT Connections by 2024


    A new study from Juniper Research found that the total number of IoT connections will reach 83 billion by 2024, rising from 35 billion connections in 2020. - Juniper Research

    Solid, a New Approach to the Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee


    Solid is a new approach to decentralizing the Internet, led by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. - Solid

    Demand for Sharp’s Face Masks Crash Servers and Air Conditioners


    Sharp’s online store server went down, taking smart gadgets including air conditioners with it. - The Verge

    New ESP32 AI Development Board, ESP32-Korvo


    ESP32-Korvo is Espressif’s new AI development board. Equipped with a multi-microphone array, it can achieve high performance, spoken-command recognition and far-field voice wake-up. - EspressIf

    Are Insect Brains Better for Neural Computing than Human Brains?


    We model existing neural networks based on human brains to replicate human intelligence. Tasks like navigation for driverless cars and drones have researchers wondering if they should focus on insect brains instead. - NetworkWorld

    The Advantage of LPWAN Chirp Technology


    Chirps are great for low power wide area networks (LPWAN) because they occupy a single dimension. Semtech’s Oliver Seller takes us through what chirps are and why they’re useful for LoRa-based signal modulation. - SemTech

    Adafruit IO Stats and more!

    AIO Stats

    Adafruit IO has 323,646 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:

    • USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 13,553
    • TOTAL FEEDS: 495,048
    • FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 14,281
    • There are about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7.

    Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Together we’ll make it, Upcycled IoT Display, ESP32-S2 in the Wild and More!

    A note from the editor - We’ll make it together


    Phil and Ladyada here, we usually do the newsletter each week, this week are diverting all our attention to efforts in NYC and awhile the world to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. Thank you community for keeping us strong, and thank you Adafruit team for running the newsletter for now.

    Adafruit was deemed an essential manufacturing, service and business in NYC by – Executive Order 202.6. We have a blog post with an overview and things are changing quick, stay tuned for updates on everywhere Adafruit is on social media - Read more.


    We are Shipping a limited number of orders for health care professionals / urgent needs only. All other orders are being held for now.

    Adafruit is a 100% woman-owned, loan-free, VC-free. profitable, USA Manufacturing company. Please see our about page and press page to read about us. Our founder and lead engineer is Limor Fried, a MIT Electrical Engineer.

    We have paused some operations in NYC due to COVID-19, we are paying all team members, contractors, and more.

    There are no layoffs for 130+ Adafruit team members. Adafruit was deemed an essential service to distribute/make some PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as face shields, and manufacturer electronics for essential life-saving/preserving equipment and development which is needed in New York and beyond.

    Adafruit Industries located at 150 Varick Street, New York, NY 10013 by Executive Order 202.6, “Essential Business” by New York State: https://esd.ny.gov/guidance-executive-order-2026

    Adafruit provides the following services:

    Medical equipment/instruments including: Warehouse/distribution and fulfillment

    Essential manufacturing including: Microelectronics/semi-conductor

    Essential health care operations including: Medical supplies and equipment manufacturers and providers

    We are maintaining some, but not all, business operations to assist in providing these valuable services to combat the COVID-19 outbreak.

    If you are working on COVID-19 related efforts, we are shipping.

    IoT Projects

    AvoRipe – Check your Avocado’s Ripeness


    Eden Bar-Tov built a device to check an avocado’s ripeness twice a day. If an avocado is ripe (AvoRipe checks both color and softness), a push notification will be sent to your phone notifying you that the avocado is ready to eat. - Adafruit

    Stay Informed: How to Pull your Own COVID-19 Data


    Tom Nardi wrote a guide on hackaday for pulling and scraping raw data about COVID19 from multiple data sources. If you’re building a way to monitor the total number of cases in your state or country, this guide provides reputable data sources along with Python code snippets. -HackaDay

    Upcycled Cassette IoT Display


    Martin Mander, aka Old Tech. New Spec, gives life to obsolete technologies, usually by sticking a computer in them and connecting them to the internet. In this example of the upcycler’s craft, he’s turned a cassette (an ancient, rubbish way of recording music) into an IoT notification reader. - Adafruit

    Space Station Grow Box Replica

    space station

    m1st3r_c is building a replica of the plant grow-box used on the Internal Space Station for the Natural History Museum of London. - Adafruit

    Pushup Counter

    pushup counter

    Stay fit even if you have to stay inside! Use a proximity sensor to count your push-ups. - Hackster

    Ethernet for CircuitPython with Wiznet5K


    Wireless is wonderful, but sometimes you want the strong reliability of a wired connection. If your CircuitPython project is going to be part of a permanent installation, you’ll want to add ethernet networking to your project. - Adafruit Learning System

    IoT News and More!

    Are All Edge Devices “Servers”?

    edge devices tweet

    A discussion broke out on Twitter between leading experts in the field of servers, IoT, gateways and single-board computers over the future of “edge computing.” This post is meant to summarize what was talked about for a broader audience because it is relevant to how we, as an industry, think and talk about “The Edge.” - Adafruit

    Eye on NPI - ESP32-S2

    Eye on NPI

    First off, we are kicking off “EYE on NPI” video series with the Espressif ESP32-S2 SoC. These chips come with a great core, lots of RAM, proven TLS+TCPIP stack, a complete development platform, and lots of code examples. If you’ve used the ESP8266 or ESP32 many elements will be familiar to you! The best new peripheral for this chip is the new USB OTG system. Yes finally native USB comes to ESP! - Adafruit

    NEW VIDEO: What is Adafruit IO?

    adafruit io video

    Build IOT projects with Adafruit IO! Control your projects over the internet and create a dashboard to visually see your sensor data - YouTube

    Watchy, an ESP32-powered Open Source e-Ink Smartwatch


    Squarofumi designed a beautiful open source smartwatch with Arduino and Python Support. This watch has a “200×200 E-ink display, WiFi + BLE (Powered by ESP32), BMA423 Accelerometer, 4 Buttons + Vibration Motor, DS3231 RTC for accurate time keeping, and a 2 Week Battery Life”. Schematics and code are available on GitHub. You can also purchase one for $55. - SquaroFumi

    IoT Design Week - Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

    iot design week video

    Ladyada and PT talked about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Microchip Technology. - YouTube

    Espressif ESP32-S2 Sample Boards Shipping

    TinyUSB S2

    We’re seeing some ESP32-S2 samples appearing in the hands of more developers. We’re looking forward to TinyUSB, and then CircuitPython on this module. - TinyUSB

    How Nordic Semiconductor Built ThingyWorld for Embedded World 2020

    Nordic Thingy

    Nordic Semiconductor built an impressive asset tracking demo for their booth at the Embedded World 2020 conference. Their Thingy:9’s are distributed all over the world and tracked using AWS IoT core. - Nordic DevZone

    Adafruit IO Stats and more!

    AIO Stats

    Adafruit IO has 318,457 total users as of March 27, 2020! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:

    • USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 16,697
    • TOTAL FEEDS: 482,240
    • FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 21,104
    • There are about 4,330+ MQTT connections active 24/7.

    Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Hack-Proof Garage Door Opener, The Internet of Things is Sending Us Back to the Middle Ages and More!

    IoT Projects

    How I Made My Heating Smart without Damaging or Replacing Anything

    Smart Heating

    Andy Bradford has been wanting to upgrade their home’s heating system for a some time – but their house is rented. Damaging the house would cause them to lose their security deposit, “so the whole system must do no damage, be made only of removable parts and be installed without modifying any of the existing infrastructure.” - AndyBradford.dev

    Temper, a compact temperature sensor based on ESP8266 and SHT30


    Temper is a compact, low power temperature (~30-40uA) sensor based on an ESP8266 and SHT30, with a large 13x7 pixel LED display. - GitHub

    Adafruit CLUE-based Bike-Mountable Computer

    Clue Bike

    The Adafruit Clue is “the bike-mountable commuter computer [Jose Castillo] has always dreamed of”. - @josecastillo

    MicroPython-powered Lightbulb

    UPy Bulb

    MicroPython on an ESP8266-based smart-bulb. Instead of a interacting with the bulb using a proprietary app, @goatchurch is running a MQTT client on the ESP8266 and an MQTT broker on their computer. - @goatchurch on Twitter

    BLE Cheerlights

    BLE Cheerlights

    Using an AirLift FeatherWing to get the current cheerlights color, then advertising the color over BLE to an ItsyBitsy nRF52840 and a Circuit Playground Bluefruit. CircuitPython code is available on GitHub . - @DavidGlaude

    Control Home Appliances with Google Assistant and Adafruit IO

    AIO Google Assistant

    Techmirtz is controlling a 60W (not smart!) bulb using the Google Assistant voice-based command service. Adafruit IO, our free IoT service, has built-in integration with services like IFTTT. - Hackster.io

    Building an ESP32-CAM Video Surveillance Robot

    ESP32-CAM Robot

    konsdor has designed and built a video surveillance robot, powered by the ESP32-CAM microcontroller board. The robot may be controlled by the operator over the internet, as the board has WiFi networking built-in. - Hackster.io

    PyPortal Planter with Adafruit IO

    Pet Planter

    Build a smart planter with an Adafruit PyPortal and CircuitPython. Monitor your plants vitals with an Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor and plot moisture and temperature data. Use Adafruit IO to create a visual dashboard with gauges of your plants water levels. - Adafruit Learning System

    IoT Cloud Enabled Alarm Clock

    IoT Cloud Alarm Clock

    Teaching a mid-2000’s clock some new tricks. MoritzDornseifer updated a Tivoli Audio radio clock to be set by the internet. They’ve redesigned the clock assembly and updated the hardware to run on a Arduino Nano 33 IoT. The alarm can be set via the snooze button and configured via the Arduino IoT Cloud Dashboard. - Hackster.io

    How to Build a Hack-Proof Garage Door Opener

    Garage Door Opener

    Pete Lewis built a new twist on an IoT garage door opener. He added an ATECC508A crypto co-processor board to provide end-to-end encryption when opening the door to his garage. - IEEE Spectrum

    Internet-Connected Conference Badge

    Cloud Badge

    Codensolder built a CloudBadge conference badge with the PyBadge, an internet-connected conference badge which communicates with Adafruit IO over MQTT. While the PyBadge doesn’t have built-in WiFi, codensolder attached an AirLift WiFi FeatherWing to the PyBadge’s Feather headers to add WiFi, all coded in CircuitPython. - CloudBadge on GitHub

    IoT News and More!

    A CEO’s Experience During the nCoV Crisis

    Espressif CEO

    Espressif is a company with their main offices in China. The recent nCoV virus outbreak has affected them, but they’ve taken some precautionary measures, such as working from home and having multiple offices outside of China. Espressif’s CEO Teo Swee Ann published two articles about running the company during this outbreak. - Part I: Safety First, and Part II: On the Ground.

    The Internet of Things is Sending Us Back to the Middle Ages

    IoT Middle Ages

    Joshua A.T. Fairfield discusses “the new digital serfdom” as we purchase more internet-enabled devices controlled by advertisers and large companies. - The Conversation, Pocket

    Arduino IoT Cloud Gets a New Dashboard with Historical Data Import, Greater Customization, and More

    IoT Cloud Arduino

    Arduino’s IoT Cloud was updated with a shiny new dashboard which can import and display historical data from multiple devices. - Hackster.io

    Raspberry Pi 4 v1.2 Fixes USP-C Power Delivery

    Pi 4 Rev 1.2

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation has released a new revision of the Raspberry Pi 4 (identified by a c03112 model number) which fixes an identified issue with USB-C power delivery. - CNX-Software

    The Things Industries launches a Global Join Server to push secure LoRaWAN provisioning practices

    TTN Global Join Server

    The Things Industries announced the launch of a Global Join Server which allows activation of any LoRa network, anywhere in the world, as long as it uses LoRa standard interfaces. This new ecosystem’s role is to “store root keys, generate session keys, and send them securely to the network and application servers”. This new model replaces the need for manufacturers to generate secure keys. - Things Industries via LinkedIn Pulse

    Bluetera II, a full-stack dev board that uses protocol buffers

    BlueTerra II

    BlueTerra II is an open-source IoT development board which supports Google’s Protobuf and motion algorithms. This tiny board has “everything. From hardware to firmware to the software running on your mobile device or PC is strictly open-source”. They’re using a Madgwick-based motion fusion algorithm which is also open source, as opposed to other fusion algorithms supported by similar development boards. - CrowdSupply.

    Adafruit IO Stats and more!

    AIO Stats

    Adafruit IO has 311,441 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:

    • USERS ACTIVE (30 days): 16,831
    • TOTAL FEEDS: 458,270
    • FEEDS CREATED (last 30 days): 21,985
    • There are about 4,200+ MQTT connections active 24/7.

    Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.