• State of IO 04.25.17

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 81.4 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 26,662 users
    * 22,161 online feeds (75,819 feeds total)
    * ~132 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~10 inserts per second via REST API
  • State of IO 04.05.17

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 75.8 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 25,738 users
    * 21,038 online feeds (72,237 feeds total)
    * ~120 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~10 inserts per second via REST API
  • State of IO 03.22.17

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 60.7 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 24,942 users
    * 19,888 online feeds (68,525 feeds total)
    * ~95 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~12 inserts per second via REST API

    This past week we’ve been focusing on mostly behind the scenes functionality as we prepare to migrate data to a new backend. Most of our focus right now is on maintaining a high uptime. New features are in the works as well.

    We’re also responding to issues you may run into on our Adafruit IO Forum. Please post any issues with as much detail as you can. It definitely helps us out when fixing the bugs.

    Also, if you’re still using version 1 of our API, you may want to upgrade to the latest version 2. It has more features, and is generally better designed and easier to use than our previous API. The default for our docs is V2 now as well.

  • State of IO 02.21.17

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 63.5 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 23,365 users
    * 18,096 online feeds (63,209 feeds total)
    * ~100 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~15 inserts per second via REST API

    This past week we’ve increased the size of at least one server, and made a fairly major database migration that is the first step towards long-term stability and speed. We have more changes in the pipeline, and will make announcements here and on the forums when they are ready to go.

    We’re also responding to issues you may run into on our Adafruit IO Forum. Please post any issues with as much detail as you can. It definitely helps us out when fixing the bugs.

    Also, if you’re still using version 1 of our API, you may want to upgrade to the latest version 2. It has more features, and is generally better designed and easier to use than our previous API. The default for our docs is V2 now as well.

  • User Submitted Tutorial - Guide for using Adafruit IO with Raspberry Pi and IFTTT

    A user on a reddit post has put together a great guide on general connectivity with IO from a Raspberry Pi and IFTTT. They cover the end-to-end setup from signing up for IO, IFTTT and example sketches.

    I’ll describe the basic steps for sending data from the RPi to Adafruit.io and then getting IFTTT to take an action based on it, but you can go in the other direction too: have IFTTT post information to Adafruit.io then have the RPi take some action based on that.

    We also have a guide that explains how to setup a door sensor that triggers through IFTTT as well.

    If you would like your Adafruit IO tutorial to be featured, share it with us via Twitter (@adafruit) or Instagram (@adafruit) by using the hashtag #adafruitio.