• Quick Tip: Adding a Power Switch to your Feather

    Here’s a quick tip from @ladyada that will show you how you can use the EN (enable) pin to control the power on your Adafruit Feather with a SPDT slide switch.

    Power Switch

    Here is how to connect the switch to your Feather:

    • Feather GND -> Center pin on the switch
    • Feather EN -> One of the outer pins on the switch

    You can now turn your Feather off by flipping the switch to the side that is connected to the EN pin.

    For more info about the EN (enable) pin, check out this guide.

  • User Submitted Tutorial - Magnetic Door Spy

  • State of IO 12.06.16

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 63.6 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 19,537 users
    * 14,583 online feeds (51,303 feeds total)
    * ~100 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~10 inserts per second via REST API
  • Loading Data from Adafruit IO into Pandas


    If you are logging sensor data to Adafruit IO, you may have a need to do a deeper examination of your data. One popular option is the pandas data analysis library for Python.

    Here is a description from the pandas website:

    pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.

    Let’s take a quick look at how to load data into pandas from a public Adafruit IO feed.


    You will need Python 3.5 installed, and you will also need to install pip if it wasn’t included with your Python install.

    Once Python and pip are installed, you can install pandas by running:

    $ pip install pandas

    For this example, we will be pointing pandas at a public Adafruit IO feed. If your feed is currently private, you will need to make it public.

    Public Feed

    Importing Feed Data

    To get started, you will need to open up a new Python file in your favorite editor, and start by importing pandas:

    import pandas as pd

    Next, we need to pull in feed data via the read_json method. Replace USERNAME and FEED_KEY with your Adafruit IO username, and the key of the feed you wish to load.

    feed_data = pd.read_json('https://io.adafruit.com/api/v2/USERNAME/feeds/FEED_KEY/data')

    If you are not sure where to find your feed’s key, you can find it below the feed name.

    Feed Key

    Date Conversion

    Next, we will convert the created_at column from a string to datetime, and set it as the index for the data frame:

    feed_data['created_at'] =  pd.to_datetime(feed_data['created_at'], infer_datetime_format=True)
    feed_data = feed_data.set_index('created_at')

    Plot Values on a Chart

    Now that the data has a valid date column, we can load the feed values into a time series, and plot the values:

    values = pd.Series(feed_data['value'])

    Pandas Line

    Another simple example is to resample the data into daily averages, and plot them on a bar chart:

    daily = values.resample('1d').mean()

    Pandas Bar

    You can do a wide range of useful operations with Time Series, and you should refer to the documentation for more details.

  • State of IO 11.23.16

    Here are the stats for the past week:

    * 56.1 million inserts of logged data in the last 7 days
    * 18,941 users
    * 14,043 online feeds (49,321 feeds total)
    * ~90 inserts per second via MQTT
    * ~10 inserts per second via REST API