• Adafruit IoT Monthly: Automated Chicken Coop, the Matter Standard, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Monitoring the 21st Century Henhouse


    James Bowman posts about successfully automating reading the status of a chicken coop. It uses a Raspberry Pi Pico doing perform sensing, with a 915 MHz Lora module to transmit the status back to the base. It’s powered by the coop’s 12V battery via a 5V linear regulator. - Adafruit Blog

    Internet of Things Mood Tracker for School or Work


    How are you doing? That’s sort of the idea behind this project that helps track the overall mood of a cohort of students. - Adafruit Blog

    IoT Project Ideas for COVID-19 Prevention


    Umwelt-Caompus Birkenfeld has been building up a large number of projects revolving around CO2 measuring devices for classrooms. Even after the pandemic, CO2 visualization leads to targeted ventilation in classrooms which reduces a student’s fatigue. - umwelt-campus, Note: This website is in German, you may need to use Google Translate

    Hot Tub Water Quality Monitoring


    Building a water quality monitoring system for a hot tub. The hot tub’s water quality can be measured on an online dashboard and send SMS texts for chlorine emergencies. - Hackster

    Plush IoT Birthday Reminder Lamp


    Charvi Shrimali created an internet-connected cupcake lamp “that receives data from my calendar and lights up, reminding me to not forget my friends in the madness of grad school”. This plush lamp is stitched using polyfill and fabric and uses a combination of the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266, Adafruit IO, and IFTTT Google Calendar applet. - Adafruit Blog

    IoT News and More!

    Espressif Matter Series


    Matter is a new initiative of the Connectivity Standards Alliance and developed through collaboration amongst all the leaders of the IoT industry. Espressif has developed a series of 6 blog posts that detail the protocol. - Espressif

    Samsung Upcycling Program to Enable Consumers to Repurpose Galaxy Smartphones Into IoT Smart Home Devices


    I previously posted about Samsung’s upcycling program when it was announced as I’m interested in the concept of giving our outdated devices a “new life”. Samsung’s new SmartThings Labs app allows a person to reuse their Galaxy smartphone as sound or light sensor nodes, for use in a smart home. - Samsung Newsroom

    Sigfox, HT Micron, and Nowi Tease an Energy-Harvesting IoT Module


    Sigfox, a firm known for low-power-wide-area (LPWA) technology, is working with Nowi and HT Micron on a new energy harvesting IoT device. The device will reportedly extract “extracts power from ambient energy sources like light and vibration to charge a variety of energy storage elements such as a rechargeable battery or a capacitor.” - enterpriseiotinsights

    Amazon expands Sidewalk with a new bridge


    Amazon’s Sidewalk low-power wide-area network protocol has been running on echo devices for the past year. The Amazon Ring and Amazon Tile devices operate on the same bandwidth and connect to this network. In an effort to expand their Sidewalk network, Amazon introduced the “Amazon Sidewalk Bridge Pro by Ring”. This is an enterprise-grade LPWAN bridge designed to build a network of devices that operate on their Sidewalk ecosystem. - TechCrunch

    Casually Chirping Into the World of LoRaWAN


    Hackaday’s Maya Posch writes about the long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) modulation technique which is becoming popular in IoT applications. - HackaDay

    A Practical Approach To Attacking IoT Embedded Designs


    An incredibly in-depth blog post from IOActive Labs about embedded IoT software hacking. - IOActive

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: 2021 in Recap!

    Editor’s Note


    Hi readers! This is the last Internet of Things Monthly newsletter for the calendar year of 2021. I’ll be listing off what I enjoyed reading about in 2021, some trends, and the excellent projects which have come across my desk.

    If you’re a new reader to this newsletter - welcome! I’m Brent. I’m an engineer at Adafruit who works on all kinds of things, including writing the IoT Monthly. This newsletter was previously known as the Adafruit.io newsletter and only contained news and projects about our Adafruit.io IoT Platform. In 2019, we expanded this newsletter to the broader topic of the Internet of Things. Unlike Adafruit’s other newsletters which are sent on a more frequent basis, this newsletter is distributed only once a month, giving enough time for me to gather information from around the internet for readers. I’d also like to extend thanks to Anne Barela for her behind-the-scenes editing work on these newsletters for the past two years.

    This past year, I’ve helped launch the beta of Adafruit’s WipperSnapper platform. I’ll be working with the IO team on making it even better in 2022, more to come!

    Thank (over 4,000+ of) you for subscribing to this newsletter. Next month’s issue will return to regular programming.


    Brent R.

    p.s.: If you have any feedback or want to submit your project to this newsletter, send an email to iotnews@adafruit.com.



    We’ve posted a good number of IoT projects which combine Machine Learning with the capabilities of the internet….


    Another recurring project type we saw was data visualization projects. The environment around us is often invisible and people enjoy building projects to help illustrate trends and understand environmental data.

    Stories and News

    I’ve enjoyed reading and learning about…

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Coffee Routine, IoT Cat, ESP32-S2 Feather, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Automating a Morning Coffee Routine


    Petertree built a coffee maker which is “2x more expensive and messy than the one you can get on Amazon”. - Hackster

    Putting a WiFi Router into an iPhone Wall Charger


    Ryan Walker is building a “purpose-built router to be used in network attacks and exploits” which fits inside the casing of a standard iPhone wall charger - MachineHum.Medium.com

    How to Get an AWS IoT Project Quickly Off the Ground


    Demonstrating a model-based AWS IoT development for IoT development using state machines. - EmbeddedArtistry

    Integrating a Plant Watering Project into an Existing Home Automation System


    Sasa details their experience integrating a watering system into a scratch-built home automation system. - HackADay

    Extracting Data from a Smart Scale


    Kevin Norman extracted his data from a WiFi scale’s mobile app using optical character recognition (OCR) - HackADay

    Pogo Pin Lock and Key with MQTT


    Cheats built “a kind of lock and key that acts sorta like a USB hardware token”. Once the key is placed into the “lock”, an MQTT message is sent from the ESP8266 to perform an “unlock” action on the internet. - Hackster

    Connecting a Robot Cat to the Internet


    Charlyn Gonda developed a LinkedIn Learning IoT course for beginners which teaches “how to use CircuitPython—a version of Python specifically for microcontrollers—to program a robot cat that reacts to events while connected to the internet.” - LinkedIn Learning

    IoT News and More!

    Best practices for debugging Zephyr-based IoT applications


    Best practices for debugging IoT projects that run on the Zephyr real-time operating system. - Embedded

    Building an IoT Product — The Product(ion) Feedback Loop


    A blog post from the perspective of an engineer about producing a physical IoT product using different Electronic Manufacturing Services. - Medium

    ESP32-H2 Officially Recognized as a “Thread-Certified Component” and a “Zigbee-Compliant Platform”


    The upcoming ESP32-H2 module is ZigBee compliant and supports the upcoming Matter protocol. - Espressif

    No battery? That’s no problem for the future Internet of Things


    Josiah Hester is producing batteryless devices for the future of IoT. One of the devices is a Gameboy powered by button presses and the sun. - Adafruit Blog

    Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather


    What’s Feather-shaped and has an ESP32-S2 WiFi module? What has a STEMMA QT connector for I2C devices? What has your favorite Espressif WiFi microcontroller and lots of Flash and RAM memory for your next IoT project? What will make your next IoT project flyyyyy? That’s right - it’s the new Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather! We also made one with a built-in BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor - Adafruit Store



    The ESP32-S3-BOX provides a platform for developing the control of home appliances using Voice Assistance + touch screen controller, sensor, infrared controller, and intelligent Wi-Fi gateway. - Adafruit Store



    The ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 is an entry-level development board equipped with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, a general-purpose Wi-Fi + Bluetooth LE MCU module that integrates complete Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE functions. - Adafruit Store

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes, Tracking a Turtle, , and more!

    IoT Projects

    Grafana Data Source for The Things Network


    A method for streaming LoRaWAN sensor data from The Things Network to Grafana, an open-source data visualization tool. - Lupyuen on GitHub

    Tracking a Turtle’s Day with WipperSnapper


    Using an Adafruit Funhouse and a PIR motion sensor, this fun project tracks the movement of Cujo the turtle. Then it analyzes and visualizes the data gathered. - Adafruit Learning System

    Determining When to Water your Plants with an Internet-Enabled Scale


    Typically, IoT plant monitoring involves a resistive moisture sensor. Phidgeteer built a plant monitoring solution that monitors the water weight of the plant with an internet-connected scale. - Adafruit Blog

    IoT Alarm Clock with Speech Synthesization


    This alarm clock has a 3W speaker which can wake you up by playing audio from a text to speech synthesizer, an internet radio station, or local news. - Instructables

    No-Code WipperSnapper Water Detection


    Setting up a water sensor inside Adafruit’s factory to prevent water damage from the massive AC units. - Adafruit Learning System

    Connecting a Miffy bunny to the Internet of Things with MicroPython, ESP8266, and MQTT


    Jesse Andrews posts about hacking a Miffy bunny lamp from Japan with NeoPixels and a web server. - Adafruit Blog

    IoT News and More!

    Resurrecting the Nabaztag IoT Bunnies from 2005


    The Nabaztag bunny released in 2005 could display ambient information from the internet. Unfortunately, “Violet closed down and Nabaztag was bought out by Mindscape then Aldebaran Robotics and in 2015 the servers were shut down leaving the bunnies dead as a brick”. With a new refurbishment kit, powered by a Raspberry Pi, you can bring these IoT displays back to life. - Adafruit Blog

    Staying data compliant in the IoT

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union brings a unique set of data privacy challenges to all internet-connected products. Ludovic Rembert offers a few suggestions to keep your products and projects data compliant. - Embedded

    More Satellite IoT Deployments


    With SpaceX leading the way, a large number of IoT providers are launching satellites into space. - staceyoniot

    NEW HARDWARE: Realtek RTL8722 Ameba Mini Board


    Ameba RTL8722DM Mini Board (AMB 23) is a devkit for a different family of WiFi/BLE-integrated chipsets from RealTek. Some notable specs - high-performance 32-bit dual MCU, 5GHz WiFi, BLE5, and rich I/O peripherals. - Adafruit Store

    NEW HARDWARE: Newt – a low-power, open-source, 2.7-inch IoT display


    Newt is a battery-powered, always-on, wall-mountable display that can go online to retrieve weather, calendars, sports scores, to-do lists, quotes…really anything on the Internet! - Adafruit Blog

    NEW HARDWARE: Nordic and Nowi Thingy:91 NH2, an Energy Harvesting Sensor Node


    The NH2 is a sensor node development platform that combines Nordic’s Thing:91 with Nowi’s NH2 Energy Harvesting PMIC. - Nowi Energy

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: No-Code IoT with WipperSnapper, Beaming Internet across the Congo, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Adafruit Wippersnapper Beta Launches!


    WipperSnapper is an interface for Adafruit IO, our incredibly easy-to-use IoT platform, designed to turn any WiFi-capable board into an IoT device without programming a single line of code.

    WipperSnapper is now in Public Beta, you can get started with WipperSnapper by visiting io.adafruit.com/wippersnapper.

    Over Engineered Smart Doorbell with Machine Learning


    Instead of picking up a Ring doorbell, Victor Sonck created a machine-learning system to detect when his doorbell rings. - HackADay

    Building an IoT Product — Continuous Battery Lifetime Testing


    One of the key features of an internet-of-things device is its power consumption. Matthias Boesl of tado details his team’s journey integrating battery-life testing into their product’s CI/CD pipeline. - Medium

    Buddy - Personal Home Office Assistant


    Buddy is a hardware platform built around the M5Stack Core 2 which connects to a mobile app. The app “runs an algorithm to calculate productivity considering temperature, humidity, light and, IAQ” and re-calculates the productivity percentage as you re-arrange your home office environment. - Hackster.io

    IoT News and More!

    Beaming broadband across the Congo River


    Alphabet’s X Company is transmitting broadband using an optical link between Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo and Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The optical link uses beams of light to send data over a river at up to 20 Gbps. - X.Company

    A Horse-based Internet Speed Test


    In an attempt to illustrate the contrasting internet speeds in Germany, reporters ran an experiment to see if data delivered via horse would arrive faster than over broadband. - HackADay

    Silicon Labs ‘Works With’ Announcements


    Silicon Labs held a “Works With” event last month to introduce new capabilities including new systems-on-chips operating in the sub-gigahertz spectrum, a unified SDK for their product line, and a new custom manufacturing service to enhance the security of modules from the foundry. - EETimes

    Home Assistant’s Amber is a unified Smart Hub for your home


    Home Assistant is crowdfunding for their Amber Smart Home Hub. Amber is a device that can be used to get started using Home Assistant without fussing with buying a single-board computer and installing software. Onboard is a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and Zigbee module which is compatible with the upcoming Matter IoT standard. - CrowdSupply

    On the economic impact of Open Source Software and Hardware on the EU economy


    The European Commission concluded a study which considered “if OSH is to follow the same development as OSS, it could constitute a cornerstone of the future Internet of Things (IoT)”. Their study listed relevant policy improvements to support a the EU economy gaining a competitive edge on the software and hardware industries. - Adafruit Blog

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.