Adafruit IoT Monthly: Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes, Tracking a Turtle, , and more!
IoT Projects
Grafana Data Source for The Things Network
A method for streaming LoRaWAN sensor data from The Things Network to Grafana, an open-source data visualization tool. - Lupyuen on GitHub
Tracking a Turtle’s Day with WipperSnapper
Using an Adafruit Funhouse and a PIR motion sensor, this fun project tracks the movement of Cujo the turtle. Then it analyzes and visualizes the data gathered. - Adafruit Learning System
Determining When to Water your Plants with an Internet-Enabled Scale
Typically, IoT plant monitoring involves a resistive moisture sensor. Phidgeteer built a plant monitoring solution that monitors the water weight of the plant with an internet-connected scale. - Adafruit Blog
IoT Alarm Clock with Speech Synthesization
This alarm clock has a 3W speaker which can wake you up by playing audio from a text to speech synthesizer, an internet radio station, or local news. - Instructables
No-Code WipperSnapper Water Detection
Setting up a water sensor inside Adafruit’s factory to prevent water damage from the massive AC units. - Adafruit Learning System
Connecting a Miffy bunny to the Internet of Things with MicroPython, ESP8266, and MQTT
Jesse Andrews posts about hacking a Miffy bunny lamp from Japan with NeoPixels and a web server. - Adafruit Blog
IoT News and More!
Resurrecting the Nabaztag IoT Bunnies from 2005
The Nabaztag bunny released in 2005 could display ambient information from the internet. Unfortunately, “Violet closed down and Nabaztag was bought out by Mindscape then Aldebaran Robotics and in 2015 the servers were shut down leaving the bunnies dead as a brick”. With a new refurbishment kit, powered by a Raspberry Pi, you can bring these IoT displays back to life. - Adafruit Blog
Staying data compliant in the IoT
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union brings a unique set of data privacy challenges to all internet-connected products. Ludovic Rembert offers a few suggestions to keep your products and projects data compliant. - Embedded
More Satellite IoT Deployments
With SpaceX leading the way, a large number of IoT providers are launching satellites into space. - staceyoniot
NEW HARDWARE: Realtek RTL8722 Ameba Mini Board
Ameba RTL8722DM Mini Board (AMB 23) is a devkit for a different family of WiFi/BLE-integrated chipsets from RealTek. Some notable specs - high-performance 32-bit dual MCU, 5GHz WiFi, BLE5, and rich I/O peripherals. - Adafruit Store
NEW HARDWARE: Newt – a low-power, open-source, 2.7-inch IoT display
Newt is a battery-powered, always-on, wall-mountable display that can go online to retrieve weather, calendars, sports scores, to-do lists, quotes…really anything on the Internet! - Adafruit Blog
NEW HARDWARE: Nordic and Nowi Thingy:91 NH2, an Energy Harvesting Sensor Node
The NH2 is a sensor node development platform that combines Nordic’s Thing:91 with Nowi’s NH2 Energy Harvesting PMIC. - Nowi Energy
Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone
Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: No-Code IoT with WipperSnapper, Beaming Internet across the Congo, and more!
IoT Projects
Adafruit Wippersnapper Beta Launches!
WipperSnapper is an interface for Adafruit IO, our incredibly easy-to-use IoT platform, designed to turn any WiFi-capable board into an IoT device without programming a single line of code.
WipperSnapper is now in Public Beta, you can get started with WipperSnapper by visiting io.adafruit.com/wippersnapper.
Over Engineered Smart Doorbell with Machine Learning
Instead of picking up a Ring doorbell, Victor Sonck created a machine-learning system to detect when his doorbell rings. - HackADay
Building an IoT Product — Continuous Battery Lifetime Testing
One of the key features of an internet-of-things device is its power consumption. Matthias Boesl of tado details his team’s journey integrating battery-life testing into their product’s CI/CD pipeline. - Medium
Buddy - Personal Home Office Assistant
Buddy is a hardware platform built around the M5Stack Core 2 which connects to a mobile app. The app “runs an algorithm to calculate productivity considering temperature, humidity, light and, IAQ” and re-calculates the productivity percentage as you re-arrange your home office environment. - Hackster.io
IoT News and More!
Beaming broadband across the Congo River
Alphabet’s X Company is transmitting broadband using an optical link between Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo and Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The optical link uses beams of light to send data over a river at up to 20 Gbps. - X.Company
A Horse-based Internet Speed Test
In an attempt to illustrate the contrasting internet speeds in Germany, reporters ran an experiment to see if data delivered via horse would arrive faster than over broadband. - HackADay
Silicon Labs ‘Works With’ Announcements
Silicon Labs held a “Works With” event last month to introduce new capabilities including new systems-on-chips operating in the sub-gigahertz spectrum, a unified SDK for their product line, and a new custom manufacturing service to enhance the security of modules from the foundry. - EETimes
Home Assistant’s Amber is a unified Smart Hub for your home
Home Assistant is crowdfunding for their Amber Smart Home Hub. Amber is a device that can be used to get started using Home Assistant without fussing with buying a single-board computer and installing software. Onboard is a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and Zigbee module which is compatible with the upcoming Matter IoT standard. - CrowdSupply
On the economic impact of Open Source Software and Hardware on the EU economy
The European Commission concluded a study which considered “if OSH is to follow the same development as OSS, it could constitute a cornerstone of the future Internet of Things (IoT)”. Their study listed relevant policy improvements to support a the EU economy gaining a competitive edge on the software and hardware industries. - Adafruit Blog
Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone
Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: WFH Stress Monitor, Helping Parkinson's Patients with IoT, and more!
IoT Projects
Bluetooth WFH Stress Monitor
If Slack notifications are making you anxious, this project monitors your heart rate (along with your office’s environment) and sends a notification when you need to take a break. - Hackster.io
Three WiFi Meters built for Arduino and ESP32
An art project which provides three ways to physically communicate information about the invisible WiFi networks all around you. - GitHub
Home Assistant Controller with MacroPad
Using a USB keypad to control IoT smart-things over a local home network. - Adafruit
Pet Food Monitor with Computer Vision
Determining the level of a cat’s food bowl using computer vision. - projects-raspberry
Hacking the Things Network Indoor Gateway
Tinkerman cracks open the Things Network Indoor Gateway, a low-cost indoor LoRaWAN gateway, and experiments with everything from adding an external antenna to peeking at the firmware. - Tinkerman
Smart Farming System
An indoor smart-agriculture system with automatic watering and an Adafruit.io dashboard for monitoring. - An indoor smart-agriculture system with automatic watering and an Adafruit.io dashboard for monitoring. - [GitHub](https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/iot-based-smart-agriculture-moniotring-system)
Helping Parkinson’s Patients with AWS IoT
A device that can monitor Galvanic Skin Response, Microphone and Gyroscope data, and send it to AWS cloud. - Hackster
The 603-200 Watch
An ESP32-based watch project with 4 concentric circles of LEDs (200 total!). While inspired by TokyoFlash, this watch aims to be a “fully modern connected watch”. - HackaDay
IoT News and More!
Build a no-code IoT project with ESP32 and WipperSnapper
Last week, we added a new board to Adafruit.io WipperSnapper – our no-code IoT project interface for adafruit.io. WipperSnapper now supports the ESP32 platform. - Adafruit Blog
Can IoT Help Catch Wildfires In Time?
An investigation into IoT solutions for monitoring wildfires in the Western United States. - EETimes
Security flaws found in popular EV chargers using Raspberry Pi
The commercial use of the Raspberry Pi is introducing security issues with new EV chargers. - Adafruit Blog
Adafruit IO News
Get a beta invite to Adafruit.io WipperSnapper
Wippersnapper is a new no-code IoT interface for Adafruit.IO – it lets you turn any WiFi-capable board into an IoT device without any programming. Simply select what devices are connected to which pins on the hardware and it will auto-configure the firmware and even create an IO feed for visualization.
How can I get an invite to the Adafruit.io WipperSnapper Beta?
First – You’ll need a compatible board to use with WipperSnapper. WipperSnapper currently supports the following hardware: Metro ESP32S2, FunHouse ESP32-S2, MagTag ESP32S2, ESP32, PyPortal, Metro SAMD51+AirLift.
Then – Navigate to the official Adafruit Discord Server and post in #help-with-adafruit-io that you’d like a WipperSnapper beta invite. We’ll message you over Discord with further instructions!
Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone
Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: Forest Fire Beacons, IoT for Beginners, and more!
IoT Projects
eON e-ink Air Quality Sensor
Unlike air quality sensor projects we’ve previously included in this publication, this is a modular air quality sensor. Due to the chip shortage and supply chain woes, the eON air quality sensor can be built using a variety of sensors and radios. - HackADay
MicroPython Vegetable Garden Automation Tutorial
Rototron highlights a project which adds solar-powered sensors and home automation to a vegetable garden and transmits the data using MQTT for review and control on a mobile app. - Adafruit Blog
Traffic Mitigation with a Machine Learning Speed Trap
Tired of reckless driving in his neighborhood, Rob Lauer built a speed trap to measure the frequency of speeding cars. Data aggregated from this project was submitted to the city for their traffic mitigation planning efforts. - Hackster.io
HomeKit Connected Fence Door Monitoring System
A DIY solar-powered fence door monitoring device. The door’s state is monitored with Apple HomeKit. - movingelectrons
Ikea released this super-inexpensive air quality sensor. The only downsides are that the VINDRIKTNING lacks internet connectivity and it does not seem to be available in the United States yet. Hypfer connected an ESP8266 to the VINDRIKTNING’s PCB pads and has firmware on a GitHub repository which allows it to connect with any MQTT broker - GitHub
Early Forest Fire Detection System
Wesley Eccles created this IoT fire detection system. Instead of heavy infrastructure drones deliver IoT beacons for a mesh system. - Adafruit Blog
IoT News and More!
Microsoft Launches Free “IoT for Beginners” Course
A free, open-source, 12 weeks/24 lesson IoT curriculum designed for beginners by the Azure IoT team. - GitHub
Light Gestures by Timi Oyedeji
Light Gestures is a technical prototype for a method of using natural gestures (making a “shhh!” motion at your smart speaker) for smart home appliances. - Adafruit Blog
Echo Devices - Reset, but not wiped?
Northeastern University researchers spent 16 months performing forensic analysis on 86 used Amazon Echo devices. The end result - researchers were able to extract a rough idea of the device’s previous geolocation and a list of previously connected WiFi networks. - Adafruit Blog
Newark 2021 Global IoT Trends Report
Newark reached out to its global customer base with an IoT survey between September 2020 and December 2020. They got 2,095 completed questionnaires, primarily from engineers of IoT solutions, in 60 countries. They have compiled the results into their 2021 Global IoT Trends Report. - Adafruit Blog
The Strings of Cellular IoT
Brandon Satrom writes about the “invisible strings of cellular IoT” - the invisible difficulties which exist when building a cellular IoT solution. - Cellular IoT
Adafruit IO News
Get a beta invite to Adafruit.io WipperSnapper
Wippersnapper is a new no-code IoT interface for Adafruit.IO – it lets you turn any WiFi-capable board into an IoT device without any programming. Simply select what devices are connected to which pins on the hardware and it will auto-configure the firmware and even create an IO feed for visualization.
How can I get an invite to the Adafruit.io WipperSnapper Beta?
First – You’ll need a compatible board to use with WipperSnapper. WipperSnapper currently supports the following hardware: Metro ESP32S2, FunHouse ESP32-S2, MagTag ESP32S2, PyPortal, Metro SAMD51+AirLift.
Then – Navigate to the official Adafruit Discord Server and post in #help-with-adafruit-io that you’d like a WipperSnapper beta invite. We’ll message you over Discord with further instructions!
Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone
Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: Smart Agriculture, an E-Ink Newspaper, and more!
IoT Projects
IOT Based Fertilizer System for Smart Agriculture
Monitoring nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium for indoor plants and crops. - hackster.io
Canari - An Air Quality Lamp
The Canari lamp project fetches data from a public API to obtain local air quality and transforms it into lighting patterns. - Instructables
Cellular Beehive Monitoring
A cellular-connected beehive system monitors the hive’s internal and external temperature and sends a notification if the hive is moved or gets knocked over. - electromaker
Discord and Slack Connected Smart Plant with Adafruit IO Triggers
Always on the computer with no time to water your plants? Build an internet-enabled planter to send notifications over a Slack or Discord channel when it needs water. - Adafruit Learning System
QMesh - A Synchronized LoRa Voice Network
QMesh is a new voice network protocol project based on the LoRa protocol instead of FM voice. - hackaday.io
E-Ink Newspaper
A wall-mounted e-ink newspaper that fetches the news every morning. - gregraiz
Optimizing a Raspberry Pi for Off-Grid Power Consumption
An experiment detailing power optimization strategies for the Raspberry Pi. - gregraiz
IoT News and More!
Create and continuously update the code on your microcontrollers with Toit
Kasper Lund discusses a new way of building applications for the internet of things using a virtual machine and Toit. - Adafruit Blog
FragAttacks - New WiFi Vulnerabilities
FragAttacks (fragmentation and aggregation attacks) are a collection of new vulnerabilities that affect Wi-Fi devices. The good news is that these design flaws, part of Wi-Fi since 1997, are hard to abuse! - FragAttacks
What is Ultra Wideband?
Ultra wideband radios caught this author’s eye when Apple announced their new AirTag location tags, powered by ultra wideband. Jenny List provides a technical dive into these new radio signals and modules. - HackaDay
Improv WiFi: Open standard for setting up Wi-Fi via Bluetooth LE
Improv is a new initiative funded by Nabu Casa which promises a “free and open standard with ready-made SDKs that offer a great user experience to configure Wi-Fi on devices”. - Adafruit Blog
A Python module to interface with the popular Tuya WiFi devices. - GitHub
Adafruit IO News
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 399,000+ total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 660,000+ (and counting!).
- There are over 21,000+ feeds online as of the time of writing.
- There is an average of 4,800+ MQTT connections over the last 30 days.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.