Adafruit IoT Monthly: Toddler Clock, Predictive Weather Station, and more!
IoT Projects
NightBunny Toddler Clock
This bunny night light glows different colors to help Eyal51’s toddler understand different times of the day without reading a clock. - GitHub
IoT Weather Station Predicts Rainfall Intensity
Instant, heavy, rainfalls have effected crop yield in Turkey. kutluhan_aktar built a weather station which logs weather data on Google Sheets and interprets it using a neural network to accurately predict the intensity of the rainfall in their region. - Hackaday.io
Pet Bowl Water Level Sensing
Keep an eye on your pet’s water bowl using the FunHouse development board and Home Assistant. - Adafruit Learning System
Monitoring Baby Chicks
Derral Garrison built a monitoring system for their cute baby chickens. - Adafruit Blog
Telegram-enabled Thermal Printer
Control thermal printers via the Telegram app to print out notes, shopping lists, and more. - Hackaday.io
Mail Slot Detector
Waiting for that very special piece of mail? This mail slot detector will text you when the mail has been delivered. - Adafruit Learning System
IoT 3D Printer Filament Box Humidity Monitor
Increase the shelf life of 3D printer filament by monitoring its storage container. - Adafruit Blog
Soil moisture monitoring in a flower garden
A network of over twenty(!) Bluetooth soil sensors in a garden “to provide a comprehensive picture of just what the water in the dirt is doing”. - Hackaday.io
IoT News and More!
Dale Dougherty on TFW: Your Device Breaks Up With You
Dale Dougherty brings up some very important points, mainly how should we be thinking about end-of-life for our smart devices - MakeZine
AWS Architecture Blog: Exponential Backoff and Jitter
A deep-dive into the solution Amazon Web Services uses to spread out client connections and reduce system load. While Amazon uses this for AWS, the same technique can be used while designing firmware for internet-of-things devices to reduce the server load and increase device battery life. - AWS Blog
Adafruit IO News
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 390,000+ total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 650,000+ (and counting!).
- There are over 22,000+ feeds online as of the time of writing.
- There are an average of 5,000+ MQTT connections over the last 30 days.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: IoT Pool Monitor, Edge AI, and more!
IoT Projects
Pool Temperature Monitor
It’s getting closer to summer in the States and that means cooling off in the pool. Blake built a pool temperature probe which is waterproof and shielded from the elements. Data from the probe is broadcast to Adafruit IO and displayed locally on a MagTag e-Ink IoT display. - hackaday.io
Machine Learning Package Detector
Build a machine learning package detector with Microsoft Lobe that sends you an email notification when a package is left at your door. - Adafruit Learning System
Freeform Weather Sculpture
A freeform circuit sculpture that displays the current weather forecast. - hackaday.io
Basics of Embedded and IoT Development with Python
An introduction to using Python for embedded IoT development. - kalebujordan.dev
FunHouse Motion Detecting Lights with LIFX Bulbs
Control WiFi Light bulbs with the (new!) Adafruit FunHouse WiFi home automation development board. - Adafruit Learning System
A DIY Extensible and Privacy-focused Smart Home Hub
Xasin is building an open source smart home hub to address privacy and interoperability concerns with existing smart home hubs. - hackaday.io
IoT IR Remote
A WiFi infrared remote control for your home entertainment system. - Adafruit Learning System
ESP32 Soil Moisture Sensor Probe
A soil moisture sensor with an ESP32 built-in for processing and networking. - hackaday.io
WiFi Motion Sensor
Motion sensor with email notifications. - hackaday.io
IoT News and More!
A look at the fragmented landscape for IoT Connectivity
An in-depth survey and analysis of the current wireless connectivity protocols. - Twilio Blog
Edge AI – What is it and What can it do for Edge IoT?
An overview of edge machine learning and its applications for IoT systems. - Seeed Studio Blog
Espressif Announces the ESP32-C6: a WiFi 6 + Bluetooth 5 (LE) SoC
Espressif announced a new SoC which contains a RISC-V core and added support for the WiFi 6 standard. - Espressif Blog
NEW Adafruit IoT Hardware: FunHouse WiFi Home Automation Development Board
FunHouse is the newest Adafruit IoT development board designed to make it easy to build home automation projects with little or no soldering. There are built in sensors for light, pressure, humidity and temperature sensors. Three JST PH plugs allow for quick connection of STEMMA boards that use digital or analog I/O, and there’s a STEMMA QT port for any I2C devices. - Adafruit
Adafruit IO News
Sneak Peek of Adafruit.IO Wippersnapper – Analog inputs working!
Wippersnapper is our upcoming no-code IoT interface for Adafruit.IO – it lets you turn any WiFi-capable board into an IoT device without any programming – simply select what devices are connected to which pins on the hardware and it will auto-configure the firmware and even create a IO feed you can then log and/or use to control other devices by triggering events or webhooks. We recently added analog inputs, and wanted to show off how it works with selecting an element (potentiometer) and the attached analog input pin, to getting it in as an MQTT feed…all in just about 1 minute! - Adafruit Blog
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 390,000+ total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 640,000+ (and counting!).
- There are over 21,000+ feeds online as of the time of writing.
- There are an average of 6,000+ MQTT connections over the last 30 days.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: ESP Earrings, RP2040 WiFi, and more!
IoT Projects
Turning an ESP8266 Programmer Into an ESP Earring
You might not look at an ESP8266 programmer and think “wearable Ouija board planchette earring”, but Alex Glow did. Aside from having an Art Nouveau-esque silkscreen, this programming jig is both functional and wearable. - Hackster.io
Showcasing the Contentful blog with E-Ink, CircuitPython and IoT
Inspired by the “Moveable Type” art installation by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin, Shy Ruparel utilized an Adafruit MagTag to build an e-Ink blog viewer for displaying the latest articles from Contentful’s blog - dev.to
Quickstart IoT - Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 with WiFi
The $4 Raspberry Pi Pico is quickly becoming a popular development board due its price, clock speed, and available GPIO. Easily add WiFi-connectivity to your RP2040 projects by following this new guide. - Adafruit Learning System
e-Ink COVID Vaccination Tracker
Vaccinations for COVID are well underway in most countries, and what better way to keep track of vaccinations for your country or region than with a battery-powered, refrigerator magnet that’s connected to the internet. - Adafruit Learning System
Shadow Box Internet Clock
An internet-enabled shadow box project that tracks the movement of the sun using NeoPixel. Check out the guide for the complete video, the lights add gorgeous colorful depth to your artwork. - Adafruit Learning System
Connecting LoRa Sensors to Google Home Assistant with Node-RED
Ben built a Node-RED workflow for sending data from LoRa connected temperature nodes to a Google Assistant. - Hardill.me.uk
Remote light switch with Blynk, Node-RED and MQTT
Using an ESP8266, a push-button, and two AA batteries, Mike built a physical switch to replace a voice-controlled switch. They built a new NODE-RED workflow to integrate their previous workflow with the light switch. - whatimadetoday
IoT News and More!
Particle Ethersim, Free Plan, and New Pricing Model
Particle announced a new global SIM card, a free plan for new developers and a revamped pricing model for their IoT platform. - Adafruit Blog
NEW Hardware: Adafruit Metro M7 with AirLift - Featuring NXP iMX RT1011
Get ready for our fastest Metro ever - the NXP iMX RT1011 microcontroller powers this board with a 500 MHz ARM Cortex M7 processor. There’s 4 MB of execute-in-place QSPI for firmware + disk storage and 128KB of SRAM in-chip. This development board also includes an AirLift WiFi Co-processor with TLS/SSL support. - Adafruit
Adafruit IO News
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 370,000+ total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 612,000+ (and counting!).
- There are over 21,000+ feeds online as of time of writing.
- There are an average of 5,000+ MQTT connections over the last 30 days.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: OpenCV Critter Cam, LoraWAN on Raspberry Pi 2040, and more!
IoT Projects
Keep Track of Critter Visitors with Birb Cam
Everett “had no idea how many critters visited (his) balcony planter box until (he) started working from home last March”. To capture these critters before they scurry away, Everett built an IP webcam aided by machine learning and computer vision to detect birds. - EverettsProjects
AIoT Water Meter
A single ESP32-CAM is used in conjunction with a neural network to read an analog water meter. This system snaps a picture of the water meter and uses a convolutional neural network to perform image recognition on the network and determines the reading. The system publishes readings to a graphical interface, also hosted by the same ESP32-CAM. - Github
Raspberry Pi 2040 meets LoRaWAN
Add LoRaWAN support to the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s new RP2040 chip. - LeMaRivaTech
DIY Home Assistant Sensor with CircuitPython
Build and program a sensor for Home Assistant using MQTT and CircuitPython. - Adafruit Learning System
Speaker Snitch spies on your Smart Speaker
Your smart speaker may be spying on you. Spy back by building a speaker snitch, a small box that monitors network traffic and flashes a LED whenever your smart speaker is sending data to the cloud. - Hackster.io
IoT News and More!
Results of 2020 MBed Developer Survey
ARM MBed published the results of their 2020 developer survey. Some interesting IoT findings are:
- BLE and cellular are popular among professionals while WiFi is popular among hobbyists.
- 50% of companies are increasing their BOM cost to protect against loss control over an IoT device
- Non-professional developers feel the largest challenge is setting up a development environment
Read the full survey results here…
Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, a RP2040-based board with WiFi
The Raspberry Pi Pico’s RP2040 SoC is getting a dedicated board from Arduino - the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. This board packs the RP2040 SoC, WiFi, Bluetooth ,and an IMU into a small form factor. - Tom’s Hardware
Hands-on with the RISC-V ESP32-C3
HackADay got their hands on pre-samples of the ESP32-C3 SoC. This new SoC intends to be an ESP8266 replacement with a faster CPU (160MHz RISC-V) and more RAM (400kB). - Tom’s Hardware
Adafruit IO News
What IS Adafruit IO Wippersnapper?
Adafruit IO Wippersnapper is a new way to create robust Internet of Things Projects without writing code. Wippersnapper is in early development and it’s not out yet. BUT, we will be publishing content about Wippersnapper whenever we have exciting new things to show you!
Watch the first demo of Wippersnapper on Youtube »>
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 370,000+ total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 612,000+ (and counting!).
- There are over 21,700+ feeds online as of time of writing.
- There are an average of 5,00+ MQTT connections over the last 30 days.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.
Adafruit IoT Monthly: Upcycling Smartphones, AI Freezer, and more!
IoT Projects
A Thermostat for your Window
A Raspberry Pi project which integrates with your thermostat to display the perfect time to open your windows. - GitHub
Continuous Integration Test Status Light
Visually display the result of continuous integration tests with this cellular IoT status light. - Hackster
Google Calendar Event Display
Keep an eye on your schedule with this MagTag Google Calendar Event Viewer. This CircuitPython project uses the Google Calendar API to retrieve a list of the latest events from your Google Calendar and displays them on the MagTag’s e-Ink screen. - Adafruit Blog
The Internet of Christmas Trees
Prepare yourself for next years holiday season by building an internet-connected Christmas tree to send alerts when the tree needs watering. This detailed project writeup even dives into creating a parallel plate capacitor for monitoring the water level. - SpuriousEmissions
AI Freezer Monitor
A freezer monitor that uses machine learning to provide alerts if a freezer is about to fail. - Adafruit Learning System
Hoodie of Community Interacts with Tweets
This hoodie responds to emotive tweets by displaying a light show. - Hackster
IoT News and More!
A review of Blues Wireless - Cellular IoT at a Flat Rate
Blues Wireless is a new IoT company that offers a System-on-Module with GPS and Cellular, a cloud platform for managing cellular device fleets, and a flat $49 fee for 10 years of IoT cellular service. - Dev.to
Is the Amazon Echo Flex Mute Button Real?
Amazon’s new Echo Flex includes a button to mute the microphone. While most of us remain suspicious, electronupdate decided to reverse engineer the Echo Flex’s mute button to determine if it does more than turn on a red LED. - electronupdate
Samsung’s Galaxy Upcycling Program repurposes old phones as IoT devices
Samsung introduced a new recycling initiative at CES 2021 to convert your old Galaxy smartphone into an IoT device. - Adafruit Blog
Adafruit IO News
Adafruit IO Stats
Adafruit IO has 359,125 total users! Here are the interesting stats from the last 30 days:
- Total Feeds: 601,201 (and counting!).
- There are over 20,000 feeds online as of time of writing (Nov 23, 2020).
- There are an average of 4,700+ MQTT connections active 24/7.
Sign up for Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. Ready to upgrade? Click here to read more about Adafruit IO+, our subscription-based service. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.