• Adafruit IoT Monthly: Happy Birds, Boat Monitoring, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Happy Birds - a Connected Bird Feeder


    An internet-connected bird feeder with an ultrasonic sensor that snaps pictures of birds when they land for dinner. Data is sent to a mobile application named Happy Birds. - Instructables

    Is My Boat Safe - An Arduino-Based Boat Monitor


    This project monitors a riverboat parked at a marina. This IoT system has it all - geofencing (locational GPS) to prevent boat theft, an accelerometer for if someone crashes into the boat, alarms to track if the bilge is filling, fuel status, battery voltage, and more. - Arduino Create

    Remote Temperature Sensor with Indoor Display


    An outside temperature sensor’s value is displayed both on the internet and inside a home on a small OLED display. - whatimade

    HTML5 and CSS parser and render pipeline on an ESP32


    Rendering and parsing HTML5 + CSS on an ESP32 with the goal of displaying dynamically generated web content on a screen connected to the ESP32. - libwebsockets

    Indoor air quality measurement with Adafruit Feather and Adafruit IO


    Worried about your indoor air quality? tdw writes:

    I was feeling poorly late this Summer and during that time, my wife made a comment about the quality of the air in our home. Since I wasn’t sleeping well during that period, it got me thinking that perhaps I should do a quick project to measure it. I did some research into various sensors, bought a few and set up a breadboard circuit that measured CO2, PM2.5, temperature, humidity and TVOC. I connected the thing to the Adafruit.io IoT cloud and built a few dashboards to let me watch.

    Solar Tracker based on ESP32 with low-cost actuators integrated on Home Assistant


    Vini’s Lab was visiting their parents in Brazil when they noticed they used statically mounted solar panels. To improve the output of the solar panels, they used low-cost actuators to move the panels based on the time of the day. - HackADay

    Raspberry Pi Smart Magic Mirror


    A DIY smart mirror powered by the Raspberry Pi and the MagicMirror2 software to display weather, calendar appointments, and the NYC subway transit schedule. - Becky Stern

    IoT News and More!

    WipperSnapper Updates - No-Code IoT by Adafruit


    The Adafruit IO team has been working on WipperSnapper, our no-code IoT platform which works with any WiFi-enabled device. If you haven’t tried it out yet - we added a few installation and usage guides for popular IoT hardware such as the Feather ESP32v2, Feather ESP32, and the Feather ESP8266. Additionally, we’ve added support for the MCP9601 thermocouple amplifier and a guide on how to add your own components to WipperSnapper.

    NIST CyberSecurity for IoT Publications


    NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, published some guidance documents and drafts which dive into IoT Device guidance for manufacturers and federal agencies looking to deploy IoT devices within their network.

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • New Action Features


    New Features to IO Actions

    We’ve deployed a few improvements to actions recently.

    Email Templating

    The first is the ability to modify the subject and body of the email related actions (reactive and scheduled). You can now customize the content of them by using a simplified templating system similar to how webhooks worked in the past. For example your subject can now include the name of the feed and value:

    The {{feed_name}} has just gone above the high mark of {{value}} degrees.

    Reactive Notification Limits

    The second new feature is the ability to limit how often reactive actions will notify you if something happens. For example, you may only want to be notified once per day if your mailbox is opened. This was an oft-requested feature, and we’re hopeful it makes the actions a bit less spammy for those that prefer fewer notifications.

    Another feature that we added, is the reactive action option to “Notify on Reset”. If selected, this feature will bypass any notification time limits and always alert you once your action is no longer in an ‘alarm’ state. A good example of when this woudl be useful is if you have a sump pump. You get a notifiaction when the water level is high, but then you also want to know that the water level has gone back down once the water is pumped out and is no longer in an alarm state.

    Reactive Action UI Showing Limits

    IO Free and Reactive Emails

    IO users on a free account can now setup reactive actions with email as an output format. This is limited to a single email every 15 minutes. Your adafruit account must be verified in order to enable email actions as well.

    Various actions fixes

    We’ve also deployed quite a few fixes around creation and editing of actions. Let us know if you’ve found anything new or still outstanding.

    As always, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report about these new features, please let us know in the forums.

  • Adafruit IoT Monthly: Mailbox Bot, Wireless MIDI, and more!

    IoT Projects

    Solar-powered MailboxBot


    An internet-connected camera takes daily pictures of the inside of fhuable’s mailbox and uploads them to an FTP server. - fhu-space

    WeatherBot - 3D Printable Weather Forecasting Theater


    An internet-connected weather machine that displays the current forecast using a miniature diorama - hackaday

    ML Weather Station Predicts Future Air Quality


    A DIY weather station that uses machine learning to predict future air quality readings. - hackaday

    Home Applications Prototype


    Bakken & Bæck developed a “technical prototype for a collection of apps which would allow you to teach your old furniture some new tricks, which you could then control to suit your own personal needs at your leisure.” - everydayexperiments

    Off-Grid Raspberry Pi Pocket Cloud Server


    A Raspberry Pi Zero W is turned into a portable off-grid NAS storage solution. - instructables

    Wireless MIDI with nRF24L01


    A hack to send MIDI data over nRF24L01 radio modules. This may be useful for artists who are limited by physical MIDI cables in their performances. - hackaday

    Off-grid LoRa Communicator


    “I started this project because I often travel in convoy with friends to remote areas where sending a simple WhatsApp message is impossible due to non-existent cell phone signal.” - hackaday

    TshWatch, ESP32 Watch


    An ESP32 e-ink watch with a real-time clock, skin temperature monitoring, pedometer, air humidity, and pressure sensors. - hackster

    IoT News and More!

    WiFiWire – a I2C to UDP Bridge


    WiFiWire provides a Wire (i2c) protocol able to communicate over AsyncUDP. You can have your program use a Wire (i2c) sensor/device, but it is communicating over a network rather than wiring. - Adafruit Blog

    Cloning the AirTag


    An experiment to develop an AirTag-clone. - positive.security

    Adafruit.io, the IoT Platform for Everyone

    Sign up for our IoT Platform, Adafruit IO (for free!) by clicking this link. We don’t have investors and we’re not going to sell your data. When you sign up for Adafruit IO+, you’re supporting the same Adafruit Industries whose hardware and software you already know and love! You help make sure we’re not going anywhere by letting us know we’re on the right track.

  • Triggers Renamed to Actions


    We just wanted to write a quick update that “Triggers” in Adafruit IO are now named “Actions”.

    Existing API endpoints should continue to work, or you can use the new ‘/api/v2/actions’ endpoint.

    Any client libraries or code using triggers should not require any changes.

    As always, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report about these blocks, please let us know in the forums. We have a specific forum for block suggestions that we periodically check as well.

  • New Dashboard Blocks and Block Changes


    New Dashboard Blocks - Divider and Battery

    We have two new block additions ready for you to use in your IO dashboards.

    The first is the Divider Block. This block is a simple way to help you organize your dashboard and break it up a bit. You can stretch the block horizontally or vertically. Basically, just edit the block layout and drag and drop to where you would like the line divided. It allows for a couple of line widths as well.

    The second new block is the Battery Block. This block takes a value from 0-100.0 and displays the percentage left in a battery icon. It also allows for the text of the value to be displayed, similar to the options on a phone. This block works particularly well paired with the Adafruit LC709203F Fuel Gauge and Battery Monitor.

    Divider and Battery Block

    Resizable Toggle Switch Block

    A change you’ll be seeing soon (or it’s already been made by the time you read this) is that the Toggle Switch Block will be updated to dynamically resize.

    It will fit a percentage of the block’s entire size. This may cause some of your existing toggle switches to either jump in size or shrink down a bit. We think the added flexibility is worth the trade-off in having to adjust the existing blocks, and we hope you do as well.

    As always, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report about these blocks, please let us know in the forums. We have a specific forum for block suggestions that we periodically check as well.